Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Playing in the Rain!

Hola Todos!

Yesterday was another busy day for everyone! The girls had the routines of the day down and they were ready to go bright and early. We all came together for warm-ups to start our day and after enjoyed another amazing breakfast - french toast (or as the Guatemalan's say it - panqueque)!!

The US team gets together every morning for our own devotions led by our very own KP (Kurtis Parks). We are so encouraged by hearing each others stories and getting to know one another on a deeper and more personal level. With all the heat, sun, rain, soccer, and sweat we all have become very close!! While there have been new friendships that have been formed and old friendships growing stronger we all find that the girls are what have really brought us together.

The girls came together after breakfast to start soccer practice. They are determined to play their best and work hard! We have many soccer coaches on the field to help sharpen their skills. Tuesday was a better day for practice in terms of weather. The sun came out and made it easier to practice on the field; however, by the afternoon the weather changed in typical rain forest fashion.

It poured! But that didn't stop the afternoon games from continuing. One team was left on the field to finish their game and they made warriors of themselves. They didn't care about slipping, sliding, or falling flat on their face. They were ready to win! After the game came chants from all the teams. Some played in the rain, some attempted to stay dry (didn't work), and by the end of the afternoon games, we were all soaked.

The US team had some free time to go down to the lake to swim. We played games in the water and dove off the docks. It was yet another awesome time together as a team.

By the time chapel came we were fed again and ready to worship. The girls wasted no time in rushing to the front and getting their praise on! So far we think the favorite song is Tomalo  (Take It All). They jump up and down and sing their hearts out! After each song they yell, "Uno mas! Uno mas!" Then, after the message, we had another alter call. The girls weren't as shy as they were the night before, but it still took a little time for them to come up. Some of these girls just come to the front and cry. Some search for us to be beside them.

It's amazing to see the walls come down and their hearts and spirits open up to God. Some of us had the opportunity to pray for them. They would wrap their arms around us and hold us...tight. Some would just want to be held. That is what they are longing for. For those of us who don't know much Spanish, it was the best way we communicated last night.

Well, we are off for another great day today! Please pray the rain hold off during games, the girls have a good time, and that US team doesn't get sunburned!

1 comment:

  1. HAPPY HAPPY times! The relationships you are forging will last you a lifetime, none so greater than the one with God! Bless you all for your mission!

    Julie Tijerina
