Monday, June 18, 2012

Slip N' Slide

Hola Todos!

The Guatemalan team and "las chicas" were up at 6: 30 a.m. and ready to warm up. We pushed the girls hard right from the get go with a run and stretching session. Before we got into games and stations we enjoyed a typical Guatemalan breakfast; huevos con frijoles or eggs with beans! Yummy :)

Then, it was off to stations. We ran five stations in order to teach the kiddos some basic soccer skills. The chicas learned quickly and had a great time working with us. We could not avoid the wet fields. Apparently, when 110 girls run on a wet field it turns into MUD. The field quickly looked like an oversized slip n' slide!! By the end of our morning session "las chicas" looked like mud monsters. And, so did we. We had mud from head to toe! I'd being lying if I said we didn't enjoy it! How did we solve this problem? We threw the girls into the playa. The afternoon swim was unbelievably refreshing and necessary.

We spent the afternoon playing games on the main field. Today's games did not count towards the competition, but everyone was already in a competitive spirit. Each team proudly represented their "grupo" with chants, songs, and dances. Tomorrow begins the real games!

We are all in shock at how quickly the girls are warming up to us. It is only day two and the girls are already letting down their walls, having girl time by allowing us to paint their nails, and asking to learn English! It is precious to see the girls run to their coaches and give them hugs! The love circulating at El Faro is contagious! So, catch on and catch the love!

Hasta Luego!

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